Both acupuncture and acupressure are based on the concept that in human body there are some biologically active points (this is a standard term in Russian literature). Acupuncture is the method of using needle to effect these biologically active points (BAP). Acupressure is the method of using fingers to press them.
The concept of BAPs came from the oriental medicine, mainly, from Chinese traditional medicine. In Chinese medicine, the BAPs are joined into energetic meridians. There are 12 pairs of main meridians, 8 additional meridians, and 12 pairs of special meridians. However, mostly 12 pairs of main meridians and 2 additional meridians are used.
This system of meridians is used not only in acupuncture, but also in chigun and kungfu. The Chinese theory of meridians is quite complicated and involves such things as Yin and Yang, the five elements, the eight trigrams, and other concepts.
Besides Chinese tradition system, there are other systems of meridians.
In principle, there is nothing wrong with the concept of BAP. They are different from the surrounding parts of the body both tactually (they are more soft) and electrically (they have a lower electric resistance).
There are many important things that should be noted in dealing with acupuncture and acupressure. The effectiveness very much depends on the exact finding the BAPs and the area of activation. Thus, acupuncture is more effective then acupressure because acupuncture effects the smaller area. There are two opposite ways on effecting the BAPs - stimulative and sedative. They are used in different cases. It is important to know what way is needed in what case.
Both acupuncture and acupressure are used not only in China, but in many other countries. In Russia, they are accepted medical methods. They are used even by astronauts and in army. The literature on acupuncture and acupressure contains not only their use for physical sicknesses, but also for some psychological conditions and problems.
As far as I understand, TFT tapping is a method to use acupressure for cure psychological problems. This idea is not new. Chinese traditional medicine used it this way. Actually, I have no idea what TFT leaders know about Chinese traditional medicine and whether they used its principles in TFT. I do not think they invented something new. In many cases, when western people try to adapt or modernize some oriental things, the result is not so positive.
To me, the idea to use acupressure in curing psychological problems has some sense. However, I am absolutely not for TFT.
The point is that the modern science does not have answers to all the questions. If Chinese traditional medicine found something by empiric way, this does not mean that it should be rejected only because it does not fit the modern medical science.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
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